
Preface.- 1 The Fine Structure of the Mammalian Arterial Wall.- The structural effect of vascular preservation.- Components of the normal arterial wall.- General structure.- Tunica intima.- Aorta.- Coronary arteries.- Large and medium size arteries.- Small arteries.- Capillaries.- Tunica media.- Elastic arteries.- Muscular-type vessels.- Hybrid vessels.- Tunica adventitia.- Vasa vasorum.- Lymph vessels.- Cytology.- Endothelium.- Smooth muscle cell.- Fibroblast.- 2 Aortic Response to Various Effects.- Development and structure of regenerative IP.- Course of aortic regeneration.- Analysis of the cellular components of IP.- Ultrastructure of the lining cells of IP.- Origin of endothelial cells of IP.- Structure of cell components of the proliferate.- Origin of smooth muscle cells.- The intercellular substance of IP.- Elastic fibre genesis in embryonic vessels.- Examinations by digestion with elastase.- Function of smooth muscle cells and their role in fibrillogenesis.- Structure of inactivity (involutional) proliferation of the intima.- Intimai proliferation in transplanted grafts (neo-intima).- Development and structure of the neo-intima.- Origin of cell components of neo-intima.- Degenerative changes in transplantational IP.- Changes of large vessels in experimental hypertension.- Survey of the literature.- Morphology of large vessel changes in experimental malignant hypertension.- Characteristics of hypertensive reparative IP.- 3 Development and Ultra Structure of Arteriosclerotic Lesions.- Ultrastructure of arteriosclerotic lesions.- Structure of the pre-atheroma.- Endothelial cell row.- Subendothelium.- The arteriosclerotic plaque.- Structure of the atheroma.- Structure and origin of the foam cells.- Source of lipids localizing in the atheroma.- Structure of the fibrous plaque.- Comparison of aortic responses.- 4 Studies of Large Muscular Vessels.- 5 Morphological Changes of Small Muscular-Type Vessels and Arterioles under the Influence of Various Injuries.- Lesions of muscular-type small vessels in acute experimental hypertension.- Acute hypertensive lesions of small vessels as a model of vascular damage.- Acute hypertensive lesion of the intima.- Development, forms and components of the vascular fibrinoid.- Acute hypertensive damage of smooth muscle cells of the media.- 6 Experimental Observations.- Investigations by light microscopy.- Mechanism of development of the subendothelial fibrinoid.- Electron-microscopic structure and fibrin formations of the subendothelial fibrinoid.- Electron-microscopic study of the media fibrinoid and of necrotic muscle cell changes.- Localization of acute hypertensive damage in small vessels.- Histochemistry of acute vascular lesions.- Histochemical examinations for protein, carbohydrate and lipid.- Enzyme histochemical studies.- Acid muscopolysaccharide (AMP) synthesis in experimental hypertension of muscular-type small arteries.- Morphological changes of small vessels after painting with acid.- Noradrenalin-induced lesions of muscular-type small vessels.- Small vessel changes on hypersensitization.- 7 Chronic Lesions of Small Vessels (Vascular Wall Transformation Following acute Lesions of Small Vessels).- Chronic small vessel changes after hypertension.- Chronic proliferative reactions of vessels damaged by a single trauma or by an acute hypertensive crisis.- Small vessel hyalinization after an acute hypertensive crisis or other singular damage.- Proliferative vascular lesions in chronic benign hypertension.- Hyaline vascular changes in chronic benign hypertension.- Hypoxic vascular changes.- Chronic transformation of vascular lesions induced by painting with acid, noradrenalin administration or sensitization with horse serum.- 8 Influence of Drug Therapy on Small Vessel Changes in Experimental Hypertension, Problems of Healing and Reversibility.- 9 Conclusions from available Experimental data on the Role of Vascular Structure in the Morphology of Vascular Lesions.- 10 Problems of Transport Across the Vessel Wall.- Methods of tracing the transmural passage of material. Colloidal tracers.- Factors responsible for intramural transport.- Factors controlling permeability.- Transcellular permeability.- Enzymatic phenomena accompanying endothelial permeability.- Intercellular (gap-junction) transport.- Extracellular amorphous substances. External coat, basement membrane.- External coat.- Basement membrane.- Ground substance.- Components controlling transmural flow.- Ground substance.- Transport-controlling function of elastic elements.- Smooth muscle cells.- Factors responsible for drainage of plasma substances.- Increase of permeability in association with lymph stasis.- Intramural diffusion of various plasma substances.- Serum proteins, lipids, lipoprotein and ions.- Effects of abnormal accumulation of vasoactive amines and hormones and of hypoxia and pH-changes on permeability.- Pressure and flow factors.- Effect of hypertension on transport across the vessel wall.- Hypertensive disturbances of transmural flow in small arteries.- Post-hypertensive permeability disturbance of aorta.- Tracer studies.- Peroxidase experiments.- Ferritin experiments.- Colloidal carbon experiments.- Arteriosclerosis and mural transport.- Role of permeability in atherogenesis.- Role of lymph circulation in experimental arteriosclerosis of the rat.- 11 Studies on Human Vascular Diseases with Regard to Observations in Model Experiments.- Evaluation of acute small vessel lesions.- Chronic lesions of small vessels.- Correlation of human large vessel lesions with similar changes in experimental animals.- Description of Surgical Methods and Fixing and Staining Techniques Frequently Referred to in this Book.- Publications by the Editor and his Team.- General Bibliography.- Plates.

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