
This study aims to analyze and identify in what aspect the practices and experiences with art are influencing the levels of self-esteem of a group of young students from the low-income working low-income working class students who are in a situation of social vulnerability. We will reflect on the ways young people are being narrated in the media and, especially, discuss the socio-affective contributions contributions resulting from the artistic productions produced by these young people. We conducted a conceptual about self-esteem, understanding the main theoretical foundations that address this conception. such conception. This research is qualitative in nature, adopting the case study of a community outreach project as the locus community outreach project as the locus of research. For data collection, we made use of participant observation The level of self-esteem was identified. The level of self-esteem was identified in two phases, before the beginning of the artistic practices the beginning of the artistic practices promoted in workshops, in which the young people were involved (capturing their perceptions (capturing their perceptions about the relationship between their self-esteem and the way of being young that is imposed by society) and, later, identifying the level of self-esteem of the subjects during and after the period of artistic practices. The results indicate that the experience in the project is providing positive influences on the levels of self-esteem of the young people researched.

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