
Objective: to study the effectiveness of art therapy methods in the complex treatment of neuropsychological disorders and quality of life improvement in patients with relapsing-remitting and secondary-progressive multiple sclerosis (MS).Patients and methods. A group of 42 patients (5 men and 37 women, mean age 32.9 years, mean EDSS severity 3.8 points) with MS underwent outpatient continuous active art therapy cycle. The mean group training cycle duration was six months. The comparison group included 15 age- and sex-adjusted individuals without neurological disorders. Tests on various drawing topics were carried out before and after a three-month therapy course. We used Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) to assess the severity of anxiety and depression and the SF-36 scale to evaluate the quality of life (QoL).Results and discussion. Before the art therapy start, light blue, yellow, pink, blue, and green colors prevailed in the drawings. There was no predominance of any color depending on MS severity or course. The green color predominated in this test in the control group, and the light blue color was significantly less represented. The art therapy course did not lead to a significant change in the severity of MS according to the Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS). After the art therapy course, the color scheme of the drawings was mainly represented by red, light blue, green, yellow, and blue colors. In addition, a red-orange color appeared in the drawings, which was completely absent before the course. Positive trends were noted according to HADS: a decrease in anxiety by 23% and depression by 19%. The physical component of QoL assessed by the SF-36 scale did not change substantially, but the psychological component significantly improved by 11%.Conclusion. The predominance of light blue color observed in MS is associated with damage to the nervous and musculoskeletal systems, and blue color – with psychological problems and depression. However, after a course of art therapy for MS, red, red-orange, yellow, and green colors representation increased significantly, which indicates an increase in positive attitude, a decrease in the level of depression, and an improvement in QoL.


  • ФГБУ «Федеральный центр мозга и нейротехнологий» ФМБА России, Москва 1Россия, 117997, Москва, ул

  • We used Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) to assess the severity of anxiety and depression and the SF-36 scale to evaluate the quality of life (QoL)

  • The art therapy course did not lead to a significant change in the severity of multiple sclerosis (MS) according to the Неврология, нейропсихиатрия, психосоматика. 2021;13(Прил. 1)

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Гусева М.Е.1, 2, Матвиевская О.В.3, Бойко А.Н.1, 4 1Кафедра неврологии, нейрохирургии и медицинской генетики ФГАОУ ВО «Российский национальный исследовательский медицинский университет им. В группе из 42 пациентов (5 мужчин и 37 женщин, средний возраст – 32,9 года, средняя тяжесть по шкале EDSS – 3,8 балла) c РС проводили цикл амбулаторной непрерывной активной арт-терапии. До начала арт-терапии на рисунках преобладали голубой, желтый, розовый, синий и зеленый цвета. После курса арт-терапии в цветовой гамме рисунков преобладали красный, голубой, зеленый, желтый и синий цвета, появился на рисунках красно-оранжевый цвет, полностью отсутствовавший до курса. Преобладание определенного цвета в тестовых заданиях 42 пациентов с РС до и после курса арт-терапии и в контрольной группе из 15 лиц или типа течения РС. С более course and in the control group of 15 individuals without neurological diseases низкой частотой, чем при РС, представлены следующие цвета: желтый (11,9% при РС и 6,5% в контроле), салатовый (11 и 8%) синий (11,9 и 6,5%) и особенно голубой

Пациенты с РС до курса после курса
При оценке по HADS отмечены
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