
excellent essay by Susan Rubin Suleiman, Writing and Motherhood, in Shirley N. Garner, Claire Kahane, and Madelon Sprengnether, eds., The M(other) Tongue: Essays in Feminist Psychoanalytic Interpretation (Ithaca, N.Y., 1985), 352 -77. 20. Theodore Agrippa d'Aubigne, Oeuvres completes, ed. E. Reaume and E de Caussade, 6 vols. (Paris, 1873-92), 1:122, 4:15-27. 21. Recit de la Maizon et origine des des Gouttes, Archives d'Etat de Geneve, fol. 19'. 22. Le Livre de Raison de sur l'Ephemeris historica de Beuther, ed. Jean Marchand (Paris, 1948); Montaigne, Essais, book 1, chap. 35, 221. 23. Ibid., book 2, chap. 8, 382. 24. On incest as a sin against charity, see Augustine The City of God 15.16; Emond Auger, Discours du saint sacrement de mariage, book 2 (Paris, 1572), fol. 38r; Davis, Ghosts, Kin and Progeny, 100-103. 25. Montaigne, Essais, book 2, chap. 8, 383. 26. On, Montaigne's considering repenting of his imaginary donation to his imaginary sons, see ibid., 372. On the law for the revocation of donations because of ingratitude, see Ricard, Donations, vol. 1, part 3, chap. 6. I discuss the general question of books as gifts in Natalie Zemon Davis, Beyond the Market: Books as Gifts in SixteenthCentury France, Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, 5th ser., 33 (1983): 69-88. Steven Rendell shows how Montaigne's use of the metaphor of mortgaging his text in his essay De la vanite (book 2, chap. 9) makes it impossible for the author to reclaim his text before he dies; Montaigne Under the Sign of Fama, Yale French Studies 66 (1984): 156-58. 27. Compagnon, Nous Michel de Montaigne, 215ff.

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