
Period of the reign of Alexander the Good - the most interesting era of Romanian feudal civilization and art. During this peaceful time, conditions were created for the development of crafts. Intense political and social transformations took place. The economic and cultural relations of the Romanian countries with Europe and the Middle East played an important role in the evolution of the art of clothing. The trade routes were exploited with great benefit for the country. As a result of the research of this period we can see how there have been changes in the clothing of the various social strata of the population of Moldova, the fate of everyday and holiday wear. Shapes, cut, color, length, accessories, complete with furs, combining pieces of high class clothing were analyzed. The paper also briefly reflects the precious sources used for research in the field of clothing, including descriptions of chronicles and stories of foreign travelers. The terminology specific to the studied period, the assortment and artistic value of local and imported fabrics, women's jewelry and the component parts of the royal and boyar ceremonial costumes evocative of the court life of Moldova were briefly reflected, was attracted attention to clothing of the Moldovan soldiers.

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