
Besides the adverse biological effects induced by microplastics (MPs), the effects associated with sorption of ambient pollutants on MPs are considered as an emerging environmental problem as MPs act as a mediator of pollutants. The present study examines the combined effects of nano(micro)plastics (NMPs) and arsenic (As) by exposing the marine rotifer Brachionus plicatilis to MP particles at the micro-scale (6 μm) and nano-scale (nanoplastics, NPs) (50 nm) along with As. In vivo toxicity, bioaccumulation, and biochemical reactions were used to examine the effects of combined exposure. The results of in vivo experiments showed that As toxicity increased with NP exposure, whereas toxicity was alleviated by MPs, indicating a different mode of action between NPs and MPs in combination with As. The highest level of As bioaccumulation was detected in NP + As groups, and followed by MP + As and As-only exposure groups, whereas no significant difference between groups was shown for As metabolites. In addition, the activity of several ATP-binding cassette proteins that confer multixenobiotic resistance, which is responsible for efflux of As, was activated by As but significantly inhibited by NP exposure, supporting the findings of in vivo experiments. Our results show that the effects of combining exposure to As with NP and MPs differ depending on particle size and provide an in-depth understanding of both environmental pollutants.

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