
The literature on the arsenic disposal practices of the metallurgical industry and the long term stability of the disposed arsenic compounds were reviewed from a Canadian perspective. The review was complemented with visits to selected operating metallurgical sites to obtain information on their specific arsenic disposal practices and the behaviour of their impounded residues. The arsenic disposal procedure currently favoured by the industry involves the formation of an insoluble ferric arsenate compound which is allowed to sediment at the bottom of tailings or residue ponds. It has been shown recently that this poorly formed crystalline compound is similar to “garsenical ferrihydrite” which is ferrihydrite containing strongly adsorbed arsenate anions. Despite concerns about its long term stability on thermodynamic grounds, arsenical ferrihydrite appears to be stable for many years in the proper environment which includes a slightly acidic pH and oxidizing conditions. A high Fe/As ratio and the presence of heavy metals appear to increase the stability of arsenical ferrihydrite. High temperature operations, such as those encountered in the autoclave treatment of refractory gold ores, are conducive to the formation of scorodite, FeAsO4.2H2O, and/or a series of ferric arseno-hydroxy-sulphate compounds depending on the solution composition. Scorodite has several advantages over arsenical ferrihydrite as a disposal compound including a lower iron demand, a higher density and a greater thermodynamic stability. New procedures have been developed to generate scorodite at ambient pressure. These procedures would offer significant reductions in capital cost because of the elimination of the need for autoclaves. Lime precipitation which was widely used in the past is being abandoned as a result of strong evidence showing that calcium arsenate compounds decompose slowly in contact with atmospheric CO2 to form calcium carbonate and soluble arsenic acid. In all cases, the long term stability of the disposed arsenic compounds depends on a number of factors including disposal site characteristics, particle crystallinity and size distribution, the presence of complexing agents and the effect of bacterial activity.

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