
AbstractAccumulation, biomethylation and excretion of arsenic by the arsenic‐tolerant freshwater blue–green alga, Phormidium sp., which had been isolated from an arsenic‐polluted environment, were investigated.The cellular growth curves were in fair agreement with a ‘logistic curve’ equation. The growth increased with an increase in the surrounding arsenic concentration up to 100 m̈g g−1. The cells survived even at 7000 m̈g g−1. The arsenic concentration of the cells increased with an increase of the surrounding arsenic concentration up to 7000 m̈g g−1. Phosphorus concentrations in the medium affected the growth and arsenic accumulation. No arsenic was accumulated by cells killed by ethanol.The arsenic was methylated to the extent of 3.2% of the total arsenic accumulated. When the cells were transferred into an arsenic‐free medium, 85% of the arsenic accumulated was excreted; 58% of the excreted arsenic was in methylated form implying extensive methylation in the arsenic‐free medium.

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