
Summary. Objective of the study: to present to the surgical community a rather rare complication of severe destructive appendicitis – arrosive bleeding and the cause of its development.
 Material and methods. Published a rare clinical case from prac-tice — the development of perforation of the appendix and arrosive bleeding from the appendicular artery in a patient with acute gangrenous appendicitis.
 Results and its discussion. The atypical course of acute appendicitis of undulating nature under the mask of acute adnexitis and antibacterial therapy has led to a prolonged delay with surgery in the surgical department. Only the appendicular abscess, which spontaneously opened into the abdominal cavity, made it possible to diagnose acute appendicitis and determine indications for emergency surgery, during which arrosive bleeding was diagnosed. The favorable outcome of the disease is due to the local purulent-necrotic process and small hemoperitoneum.
 Findings. Timely diagnosis of acute appendicitis, with the involvement of additional research methods in unclear cases, and subsequent appendectomy, are the prevention of a rather rare complication — arrosive bleeding from the appendicular artery in the development of severe complicated forms of acute destructive appendicitis.


  • The atypical course of acute appendicitis of undulating nature under the mask of acute adnexitis and antibacterial therapy has led to a prolonged delay with surgery

  • which spontaneously opened into the abdominal cavity

  • The favorable outcome of the disease is due to the local purulent-necrotic process

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АРРОЗИВНА КРОВОТЕЧА З АПЕНДИКУЛЯРНОЇ АРТЕРІЇ ПРИ ГОСТРОМУ ДЕСТРУКТИВНОМУ АПЕНДИЦИТІ Опубліковано рідкісний клінічний випадок з практики — розвиток перфорації червоподібного відростка і арозивної кровотечі з апендикулярної артерії у хворої з гострим гангренозним апендицитом. Що спонтанно розкрився в черевну порожнину, дозволив діагностувати гострий апендицит і визначити показання до невідкладної операції, в процесі якої було діагностовано арозивну кровотечу.

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