
Abstract. The arrival times at L1 of eleven travelling shocks associated both with X-ray flaring and with halo CMEs recorded aboard SOHO/LASCO have been considered. Close to the Sun the velocities of these events were estimated using either Type II radio records or CME speeds. Close to the Earth the shocks were detected in the data of various solar wind plasma, interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) and energetic particle experiments aboard SOHO, ACE, WIND, INTERBALL-1 and IMP-8. The real-time shock arrival predictions of three numerical models, namely the Shock Time of Arrival Model (STOA), the Interplanetary Shock Propagation Model (ISPM) and the Hakamada-Akasofu-Fry Solar Wind Model (HAFv.2) were tested against these observations. This is the first time that energetic protons (tens of keV to a few MeV) have been used to complement plasma and IMF data in validating shock propagation models. The models were all generally successful in predicting shock arrivals. STOA provided the smallest values of the "predicted minus measured" arrival times and displayed a typical predictive precision better than about 8 h. The ratio of the calculated standard deviation of the transit times to Earth to the standard deviation of the measurements was estimated for each model (treating interacting events as composite shocks) and these ratios turned out to be 0.60, 1.15 and 1.02 for STOA, ISPM and HAFv.2, respectively. If an event in the sample for which the shock velocity was not well known is omitted from consideration, these ratios become 0.36, 0.76 and 0.81, respectively. Larger statistical samples should now be tested. The ratio of the in situ shock velocity and the "Sun to L1" transit velocity (Vsh /Vtr) was in the range of 0.7–0.9 for individual, non-interacting, shock events. HAFv.2 uniquely provided information on those changes in the COBpoint (the moving Connection point on the shock along the IMF to the OBserver) which directly influenced energetic particle rise times. This model also illustrated the non-uniform upstream conditions through which the various shocks propagated; furthermore it simulated shock deformation on a scale of fractions of an AU. On the spatial scale (300 RE ), where near-Earth spacecraft are located, the passing shocks, in conformity with the models, were found to be locally planar. The shocks also showed tilting relative to the Sun-Earth line, probably reflecting the inherent directionality associated with their solar origin. Key words. Interplanetary physics (energetic particles; interplanetary shocks; solar wind plasma)


  • Space weather results from dynamic changes in the solar atmosphere which, by virtue of the associated propagation of shocks and energetic particles through the interplanetary medium, produces consequences in the terrestrial environment that can be inimical to life as well as deleterious to telecommunications

  • If Event 1 is omitted from the sample, the ratios become 0.36, 0.76 and 0.81 for Shock Time of Arrival Model (STOA), Interplanetary Shock Propagation Model (ISPM) and HAFv.2, respectively, suggesting that STOA performed significantly better than would a model with no predictive capability

  • – Improvements in the predictive capability can be achieved through (a) Development of a global 3D MHD coronal density model for use in estimating coronal shock speeds for specific events; (b) Upgrading HAFv.2 to a full 3D MHD solar wind model; (c) Making statistical studies of relatively large samples to obtain, in particular, guidance as to the criteria to be adopted when modeling the propagation of relatively weak shocks through the generally non-uniform interplanetary medium

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Space weather results from dynamic changes in the solar atmosphere which, by virtue of the associated propagation of shocks and energetic particles through the interplanetary medium, produces consequences in the terrestrial environment that can be inimical to life as well as deleterious to telecommunications. P. McKenna-Lawlor et al.: Arrival times of Flare/Halo CME associated shocks at the Earth solar related disturbances, the transitory nature of which has led to their being generally referred to as space weather. The disturbances stimulated when certain coronal mass ejection (CME) related shocks reach the Earth, constitute one of the most important aspects of space weather. These CMEs, together with their preceding interplanetary (I) shock waves, are sometimes referred to as ICMEs, due to their large-scale structures within the heliosphere (Dryer, 1994). The (mass) ejection itself is confined inside a smaller volume than that encompassed by the associated shock and, if it originates at a solar longitude far from the Central Meridian, it may well miss the Earth

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