
In this work, we develop an array of biosensors for the selective dielectrophoretic capture and electrochemical detection of single to few melanoma cells. Each biosensor in the array consists of a gold thin film interdigitated bipolar electrode (IDBPE) patterned on a glass substrate. Microwells are patterned over the interdigitated end of each IDBPE to restrict the number of cells captured and to retain cells on the electrodes for subsequent analysis. An overlying microfluidic channel controls delivery of the cell sample to the microwells. Cells are attracted to the interdigitated electrode by a positive dielectrophoretic force, thereby pulling them into the microwells, where they remain trapped during the next step – introduction of reagents for electrochemical enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (eELISA). The dimensions of the wells, solution flow rate, and AC voltage applied all support the retention of the cells on the electrodes once they are captured.A bipolar electrode (BPE) is a conductor, which in the presence of an externally applied electric field, facilitates electrically coupled faradaic reactions at its opposing ends. In the context of analysis, a sensing reaction at one pole of the BPE is coupled to a reporting reaction, which produces a visual signal at the opposite pole. Because of their wireless operation, arrays of tens to thousands of BPEs can be operated in parallel with a single power supply – an advantageous feature for parallel analysis of few or single cells. However, traditional BPEs with electrogenerated chemiluminescence (ECL) as the reporting reaction do not provide sufficient sensitivity for biologically relevant detection limits, and therefore, require a means of signal amplification for such applications. To address this issue, we previously developed IDBPEs, which facilitate redox cycling by interdigitation of the sensing pole of each BPE of an array with a shared driving electrode, thereby yielding more intense ECL at the reporting pole.1 In the present study, the interdigitated end of the IDBPE is utilized for eELISA to quantify the expression of a cell surface antigen, melanoma cell adhesion marker (MCAM). Cells are labelled with biotinylated anti-human MCAM and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) conjugated streptavidin. Once cells are captured, the redox inactive substrate, para-aminophenyl phosphate (PAPP), is flowed through the microchannels and ALP catalyzes its conversion to the redox active species para-aminophenol (PAP). The amplified current obtained at each IDBPE by the redox cycling of PAP and its oxidized form, quinone imine (QI), is reported by an ECL reaction on its opposing pole. The ECL signal obtained at each IDBPE is correlated to the expression level of MCAM on the melanoma cells isolated in the corresponding well. This work is significant because it allows for the sensitive detection of melanoma cells in a device amenable to point-of-care application by combining selective enrichment of malignant cells by dielectrophoresis with the amplification and facile arraying afforded by IDBPEs. Borchers, J.S., Campbell, C.R., Van Scoy, S.B., Clark, M.J. and Anand, R.K. (2021), Redox Cycling at an Array of Interdigitated Bipolar Electrodes for Enhanced Sensitivity in Biosensing. ChemElectroChem. https://doi.org/10.1002/celc.202100523

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