
DESPITE MOVES by many Republican members of Congress to cut Department of Energy funds, two key party leaders voiced strong support this month for at least one basic clean energy research program: the Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E). Arnold Schwarzenegger, Hollywood movie star and former California governor, and Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska), ranking Republican member of the Senate Energy & Natural Resources Committee and a longtime advocate of oil and gas drilling and production, were speaking at DOE’s Energy Innovation Summit. Held this month in Washington, D.C., the summit attracted more than 2,000 clean energy technologists and investors to discuss and display technologies under development through ARPA-E support. According to Schwarzenegger, ARPA-E research and technologies are needed to transform the world of energy. The U.S., he said, must move beyond debates about global warming and instead promote clean energy development for jobs, health, energy security, and economics. Clean ...

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