
The study aims to review the literature regarding musculoskeletal complications of aromatase inhibitors and treatment options for these complications. Aromatase inhibitors are common medications to treat hormone receptor-positive breast cancer in postmenopausal women and have been shown to improve survival and prevent disease recurrence. However, 20-60% patients stop treatment prematurely due to side effects. Side effects include joint stiffness and pain, tendonitis, tendon tears, muscle pain, and carpal tunnel syndrome known as aromatase inhibitor musculoskeletal syndrome (AIMSS) as well as bone loss. Proposed mechanisms of AIMSS include decreased estrogen levels, inflammation, and genetic factors. Switching aromatase inhibitors, exercise, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications, duloxetine, acupuncture, prednisone, and bisphosphonates are some treatment options for this syndrome and will be discussed in more detail in this review. Aromatase inhibitors are important in the treatment of hormone receptor-positive breast cancer in postmenopausal women. As we study the incidence of side effects of these medications including bone loss and AIMSS and determine the mechanisms of these symptoms and possible treatment options, we will decrease the incidence of patients discontinuing treatment prematurely and improve symptoms, quality of life, and survival in this patient population.

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