
AbstractThe aim of the present work is to identify and characterize the most important aroma active compounds of argan oil from unroasted and roasted argan almonds as well as roasted almonds obtained from goat‐digested fruits by dynamic headspace GC and GC‐olfactometry with aroma dilution analysis to classify samples from the market according to their processing. While fresh ground argan almonds are characterized by only seven aroma active compounds, in argan oil from unroasted and roasted almonds, 22 and 35 aroma active compounds are found, respectively. As a result of the roasting process, 14 aroma active compounds with dilution factors >64 are detected in the oil by GC‐olfactometry. 17 aroma active compounds show significant differences between the three different argan oil qualities. These compounds are used to differentiate the quality of argan oil from the market.Practical Application: Argan oil belongs to the high‐price oils on the market but sometimes the sensory quality of the oil contradicts the positive image that has been built up for oil by unpleasant cheese‐like and fusty sensory attributes. Although some information about the composition of the volatile compounds of cold‐pressed argan oil from unroasted and roasted kernels is available, the knowledge about compounds that are typical for the aroma of argan oil is important in order to develop analytical methods for the classification of different argan oil qualities. This reduces the work for a panel group that is often time and labor consuming and sometimes the results are not reliable. The present paper demonstrates which volatile compounds show significant differences between argan oil from unroasted and roasted argan almonds as well as roasted almonds obtained from goat‐digested fruits allowing a differentiation of these oils.

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