
The relevance of the topic is due to the importance of reproducing the historical memory of Armenians through the actualization of the vital activities of prominent representatives of this ancient people, who have lived on the lands of Ukraine over the centuries and have become an integral part of the cultural history and life of these lands.The purpose of the study is to show through the research of the biography of the prominent representatives of the Armenian musical culture in Ukraine that internationality is not non-nationality. So a person, that remembers and respects his roots, usually does not perceive other people through the prism of ethno-national affiliation. On the contrary, the person like Carol von Mikuli respects and studies other culture and frequently contributes to their development.The research methodology includes the methods of historical and comparative analysis of various sources and the synthesis of their data, the biographical method and the principle of hermeneutical interpretation of sources.Conclusion. In the postmodern era the processes of globalization erase cultural differences between nations, and the tendency to loss of historicity, without which cultural memory, and as a result any culture and any nation cannot exist, becomes more threatening. In this circs reproducing and rethinking the contribution of prominent representatives of others ethnic groups and nations in the development of regional and national cultures allows us to preserve the cultural diversity of the world. For Armenians, most of whom during the centuries have lived in the diaspora, this problem is very actual. At the same time reproduction of the own cultural memory is no less important for Ukraine, because the Armenians have long become an integral part of our history (and not just Polish, Romanian or Russian). The person of the outstanding pianist, composer, teacher and organizer Karol von Mikuli is a grateful sample for covering this theme. He was a person, which created a powerful, fully international artistic environment around himself and contributed to the development of cultures of different nations, but at the same time always remembered the Armenian roots of his family and considered himself as Armenian.

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