
During this globalization era management of cultural heritage has developed from management for national or government’s interest to cultural heritage management for the general public. Studies on management that includes the general public are part of studies of public archaeology, which investigate interaction between archaeology and the general public. The general public is considered able and has the right to manage their cultural heritage. The problem is how archaeology can be a necessity to the public and becomes part of their daily life. Field research shows that almost all the megalithic remains in the Pasemah area, South Sumatra, particularly the statues, are broken, and many stone burials and dolmens are taken to be used as washing boards or building foundations. This research is aimed at finding out the suitable model for public-based management of cultural heritage in the Pasemah area in particular. The method used here is descriptive-explanative, explaining the phenomenon of archaeological remains and their surroundings, conducting in-depth interviews and focused discussions with the parties that have interests in the management of the cultural heritage. The result is an understanding about involving the general public in archaeological works and making archaeology as part of the profane life. asilnya adalah sebuah pemahaman tentang pelibatan masyarakat dalam arkeologi dan menjadikan arkeologi sebagai bagian dari kehidupan yang profan. The benefit of this research is, aside from to preserve the cultural heritage of Pasemah area, is to encourage the people to be proud of their culture as part of the national identity.

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