
The purpose of this study was to assess Arizona veterinarians' perceptions and consensus regarding the importance of items in the domains of clinical skills, knowledge, and attributes of Day One graduates of veterinary school and to determine demographic predictors for items on which consensus was low. In this survey-based prospective study, respondents were asked to rate the importance of 44 items on a 5-point Likert scale ranging from 1 (not at all important) to 5 (extremely important). Responses were visualized as divergent stacked bar charts and evaluated via summary quantitative and qualitative analyses. Several items had a median score of 5. For clinical skills, items were the ability to formulate a preventive health care plan, the ability to interpret test results, and basic safe handling and restraint of animals; for knowledge, knowledge of pain management and anesthesia; and for attributes, teamwork, problem-solving skills, and client communication skills. The majority of items (80%) had a strong or very strong consensus measure, 18% had a moderate consensus measure, and 2% had a weak consensus measure. Six items (14%) varied by at least one demographic category. We found demographic differences between large and small animal practices in the clinical skill of ability to perform a necropsy, knowledge of large animal theriogenology, and knowledge of canine theriogenology. In conclusion, we found differences in the importance of items and agreement among practitioners, suggesting that critical evaluation of the mapped curriculum, particularly with regard to core curriculum compared with electives and clinical tracks, may benefit students and future employers.

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