
Exchange rate forecasting has proven challenging for players like traders and professionals in this current financial industry. Econometric and statistical models are often utilized in the analysis and forecasting of foreign exchange rate. Governments, financial organizations, and investors prioritize analyzing the future behaviour of currency pairs because this analyzing technique is being utilized to understand a country's economic status and to make a decision on whether to do any transactions of goods from that country. Several models are used to predict this kind of time-series with adequate accuracy. However, because of the random nature of these time series, strong predicting performance is difficult to achieve. During the Covid-19 situation, there is a drastic change in the exchange rate worldwide. This paper examines the behaviour of Australia's (AUD) daily foreign exchange rates against the US Dollar from January 2016 to December 2020 and forecasts the 2021 exchange rate using the ARIMA model. For better accuracy, technical indicators such as Interest Rate Differential, GDP Growth Rate and Unemployment Rate are also taken into account. In exchange rate forecasting, there are various types of performance measures based on which the accuracy of the forecasted result is computed. This paper examines seven performance measures and found that the accuracy of the forecasted results is adequate with the actual data.

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