
Chapter 1 Ch 1: Rhetoric and Animals: A Long History and Brief Introduction Part 2 Part 1: Rhetorical Theory at the Human/Nonhuman Boundary Chapter 3 Ch. 2: Embracing Humanimality: Deconstructing the Human/Animal Dichotomy Chapter 4 Ch. 3: How to Do Things Without Words: Whisperers as Rustic Authorities on Interspecies Dialogue Chapter 5 Ch. 4: The Battle Within: Understanding the Persuasive Affect of Internal Rhetorics in the Ethical Vegetarian/Vegan Movement Part 6 Part 2: Critiques of Ethics Rhetoric Chapter 7 Ch. 5: I'm Too Sexy for Your Movement: An Analysis of the Failure of the Rights Movement to Promote Vegetarianism Chapter 8 Ch. 6: PeTA and the Rhetoric of Nude Protest Chapter 9 Ch. 7: Biting Back at the Empire: The Anti-Greyhound Racing Movement's Decolonizing Rhetoric as a Countermand to the Dog Racing Industry Part 10 Part 3: Critiques of Management Rhetoric Chapter 11 Ch. 8: The Biomedical Research Industry and the End of Scientific Revolutions Chapter 12 Ch. 9: Protection from Animal Rights Lunatics: The Center for Consumer Freedom and Rights Rhetoric Chapter 13 Ch. 10: Whale Wars and the Public Screen: Mediating Ethics in Violent Times Part 14 Part 4: A Critique of Ethics and Management Rhetoric Chapter 15 Ch. 11: Feral Horses: Logos, Pathos and the Definition of Christian Dominion

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