
I. Methodological Issues in Philosophy of Religion * Norman Kretzmann, Nature of Theology * Scott MacDonald, What is Philosophical Theology? * Al Plantinga, Reformed Objection to Theology * Richard Swinburne, Rational Belief * John Hick, Religious and Salvation * Keith Ward, Truth and the Diversity of Religions * Timothy O'Connor, Religious Pluralism II. God's Nature and Existence * Peter van Inwagen, Necessary Existence: The Ontological * Alexander Pruss Recent Work on the Cosmological * Wes Morriston, Critical Examination of the Kalam Cosmological * Robin Collins, Scientific Argument for the Existence of God: The Fine-Tuning * Elliot Sober, Design Arguments * Louis Pojman, Critique of the Argument from Experience * C. Stephen Layman, and the Moral Order III. and Hiddenness * Peter van Inwagen, Argument from Evil * Whitley Kaufman, Karma, Rebirth, and the Problem of Evil * Richard Swinburne, Natural and the Possibility of Knowledge * William Rowe, Problem of and Some Varieties of Atheism * William Alston, Inductive Argument from and the Human Cognitive Condition * Peter van Inwagen, Hiddenness of * Michael Murray, Coercion and the Hiddenness of * Robert Lovering, Divine Hiddenness and Inculpable Ignorance IV. and Interaction * Derk Pereboom, Free Will, Evil, and Providence * William Lane Craig, Middle-Knowledge View * William Hasker, Openness of * John Sanders, Why Simple Offers No More Providential Control than the Openness of * David Hunt, Providential Advantage of Foreknowledge * Norman Kretzmann, Why Would God Create Anything at All? * Eleonore Stump, Petitionary * Kevin Timpe, Prayer for the Past V. The Afterlife * Kevin Corcoran, Dualism, Materialism, and the Problem of Postmortem Survival * Lynne Rudder Baker, Persons and the Metaphysics of Resurrection * Roger Ames, Death as Transformation in Classical Daoism * David Lewis, Divine Evil * Thomas Talbott, Doctrine of Everlasting Punishment * Eleonore Stump, Dante's Hell, Aquinas's Moral Theory and the Love of * Sennett, James F. Is There Freedom in Heaven? VI. Religion and Contemporary Life * Daniel Dennett, selection from Breaking the Spell * Richard Dawkins, selection from The God Delusion * Alister McGrath, selection from Dawkins' God * Phillip Kitcher, Born-Again * Phillip Johnson, Evolution as Dogma: The Establishment of Naturalism * Robert Pennock, Why Creationism Should Not be Taught in the Public Schools * Alvin Plantinga, Creation and Evolution: A Modest Proposal * Paul Weithman, Theism, Law, and Politics

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