
The study was designed to investigate the role of arginine on myopathy and some visceral organs like liver and pancreas in diabetic female rats at different period (15,30,45) days post diabetic induction.In this study female rats ( Rattus norvegicus) were used, total number (30) rats were divided into ( non-diabetic and diabetic ) groups, first group with (6) females as control group and diabetic group with (24) rats, this group subdivided into two groups (12) rats on each one, both of them was injected intraperitoneally with single dose about ( 60 mg/kg) B/W from streptozotocin (STZ) with (12) rats at each period (15,30,45) days post (DM) induction one of this two subgroup were given only tap water but the second subgroup (diabetic and treated with arginine)were given L-arginine dissolved in the drinking water as (10mg/L) after (3) days post (STZ) induction.At (15) day post induction the skeletal muscles revealed to atrophied muscle fibers, infarction, irregular, crowded myonuclei, infiltration of inflammatory cells, tapers endings. Moreover at (30) days sever atrophied muscle fibers, myonuclei was detached from their normal location, thick, dark sarcolemma with zigzag shape, while post (45) day sever alterations included filamentous muscle fibers, some completely destructed, wavy fibers, bifurcated and other rounded or circular muscle fibers. The study determined the effect of arginine on diabetic skeletal muscles, post (15) days of induction, the muscle fibers more regular, clear striation, peripheral myonuclei and parallel muscle fibers. post (30) days, normal muscle fibers, number of satellite cells, normal capillaries, regenerated myotubes. At (45) days the muscle fibers with normal diameter, more intense, less inflammation, normal muscle spindles, less congested blood vessels and normal blood walls thickness.Liver sections related to diabetes group showed post (15) days vacuolated hepatocytes with pyknotic nuclei, dilated sinusoids, increased in kupffer cells, mild fatty changes, bile ducts hyperplasia. Post (30) days sever congestion, necrotic foci, hydropic changes, cloudy hepatocytes, swelling with pyknotic nuclei. At (45) days more severity included necrosis, kupffer cells hyperplasia, sever fibrosis, fatty changes. Role of arginine was determined and its effect on liver, after (15) day normal hepatocytes, more regular hepatic plates, mild inflammation, normal periportal area, post (30) days remarkable regeneration, foci of kupffer cells accumulated, proliferation of bile ductules and mild congestion, at (45) days liver structure resemble the control, most hepatocytes was binucleat, arrange in hepatic cords and normal sinusoid.Harmful effect of (DM) on pancreatic tissue which showed after (15) day, shrinkage of Langerhans islets, atrophied pancreatic acini, destruction and necrosis of beta cells, reduced number and size of islets, changes more severity at (30,45) days, revealed to atrophy stroma replaced by fibrous and adipose connective tissue substance, vacuolated and degenerated islets. Whereas pancreas from diabetic rats treated with arginine after (15) day the changes less obvious, more numerous islet of Lankerhanse, regular acini and at (30,45) day normal pancreatic tissue, most islets with normal boundaries, organized pancreatic acini and the protective role on pancreas was noticed.(DM) caused variable changes in glycogen content in both skeletal muscles and liver at each period (15, 30, 45) days. Moreover the results determined the role of arginine on accumulation and stored of glycogen content. The liver from diabetic rats showed the same results and there was mild reduction to moderate and then sever reduction in glycogen content at each period (15,30,45) days respectively whereas restored in glycogen content recorded on rats treated with arginine.The study evaluated changes in cholesterol and Triglycerides( TG) level and the results showed a significant increase at (P<0.05) in their level in all diabetic rats compared to control while significant decrease at (P<0.05) in level of cholesterol and (TG) in rats with (DM) and treated with arginine. Moreover (HDL) showed a significant decrease at (P<0.05) of diabetic rats and there was increase in its concentration in all diabetes rats treated with arginine. Also insulin growth factor like-1 (IGF-1) in all rats related to control and treated group was estimated, the data clarified a significant decrease at (P<0.05) within diabetic group compared to control, while significant increase in rats related to treated group compared to diabetic group.

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