
Argentatin B has been shown to inhibit the growth of colon HCT-15, and prostate PC-3 cancer cells. However, the mechanism by which argentatin B inhibits cell proliferation is still unknown. We aimed to investigate the mechanism by which argentatin B inhibits cell proliferation. The cell cycle was studied by flow cytometry. Apoptosis was evaluated by Annexin-V-Fluos, and Hoechst 33342 dye staining. Cell senescence was evaluated by proliferation tests, and staining for SA-β-galactosidase. Senescence-related proteins (PCNA, p21, and p27) were analyzed by Western blotting. Potential toxicity of argentatin B was evaluated in CD-1 mice. Its effect on tumor growth was tested in a HCT-15 and PC-3 xenograft model. Argentatin B induced an increment of cells in sub G1, but did not produce apoptosis. Proliferation of both cell lines was inhibited by argentatin B. Forty-three percent HCT-15, and 66% PC-3 cells showed positive SA-β-galactosidase staining. The expression of PCNA was decreased, p21 expression was increased in both cell lines, but p27 expression increased only in PC-3 cells after treatment. Administration of argentatin B to healthy mice did not produce treatment-associated pathologies. However, it restricted the growth of HCT-15 and PC-3 tumors. These results indicate that treatment with argentatin B induces cell senescence.


  • It is known that natural compounds have been an important source of several clinically useful anti-cancer agents

  • When tested for senescence associated-β-galactosidase activity,3a proportion of 43% HCT-15, and 66% PC-3 cells showed a positive staining, compared with 2% of untreated controls. These findings suggest that argentatin B inhibits cell proliferation by inducing senescence

  • The level of p27 was not changed in HCT-15 after 24–48 h argentatin B treatment, and a reduction of p27 expression was observed at 72 h of treatment. These results indicate that treatment with argentatin B induces the cells to undergo senescence

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It is known that natural compounds have been an important source of several clinically useful anti-cancer agents. Some of the most important natural anti-cancer compounds include vinblastine, vincristine, camptothecin derivatives topotecan and irinotecan, etoposide, derived from epipodophyllotoxin, and paclitaxel. OOnnee iimmppoorrttaanntt ggrroouupp ooff nnaattuurraall pprroodduuccttss iiss ccoonnssttiittuutteedd ooff ttrriitteerrppeenneess. SSoommee ooff tthheessee sseeccoonnddaarryy mmeettaabboolliitteess hhaavvee sshhoowwnn iimmppoorrttaanntt aannttii--iinnflflaammmmaattoorryy aanndd aannttiittuummoorr aaccttiivviittiieess [[33]]. IItt hhaass bbeeeenn rreeppoorrtteedd tthhaatt ssoommee ttrriitteerrppeennooiiddss iinnhhiibbiitt pprroolliiffeerraattiioonn ooff ttuummoorr cceellllss [[44]] bbyy ddiiffffeerreenntt mmeecchhaanniissmmss. AArrggeennttaattiinn BB iiss aa ccyyccllooaarrttaannee--ttyyppee ttrriitteerrppeennee ddeerriivveedd ffrroomm tthhee rreessiinn ooff PPaarrtthheenniiuumm aarrggeennttaattuumm GGrraayy ((gguuaayyuullee)),, aann eennddeemmiicc ppllaanntt ffrroomm NNoorrtthheerrnn MMeexxiiccoo aanndd SSoouutthhwweesstteerrnn UUSSAA. TThhiiss ssppeecciieess hhaass bbeeeenn uusseedd aass aa ssoouurrccee ooff nnaattuurraall rruubbbbeerr[[1100––1122]]..IInnaafoformrmeerrwwoorkrk, w, weededmemonosntsrtartaetdedthtahtaitt iits iasnaonno-cno-mcopmeptietitviteivinehinibhiitboirtoorf 3oHf 3-eHst-reasdtriaodl iboilndbiinndgitnogretocerpetcoerpstoonrshounmhanu,mhaonrm, hoonrem-doenpee-nddepenent dberenatstbrtueamstortsum[13o]r.sW[1e3a].lsWo feoualnsdo tfhouatnadrgthenattaatirngeBntianthinibiBts,ininhiabidtso,sien-daepdeonsdee-dnetpmenandnenert, mthaenendeerm, taheinedduecmeda binydtuhceetdumbyorthperotmumotoerr 1p2r-oOm-otetterrad12e-cOan-toeytrlapdheocrabnool-y1l3p-hacoertbaotle-1(T3-PaAce).taFtuer(tThPerAm).oFreu,rwtheerombsoerrev,ewdethoabtsaerrgveendtathtiant BarcgaennitnathinibiBt tchaen ginrohwibtiht tohfehguromwatnhcooflohnumcaarncincoolmona c(HarCciTn-o1m5)aa(nHdChTu-m15a)nanpdrohsutamteancapnrcoesrta(PteCc-3a)ncceerll(lPinCe-s3)[1c4e]ll. Hecohwanevisemr, btyhewmhiecchhaarngiesnmtabtiyn BwihnihchibiatrsgceenlltaptrionliBferianthioibnitiss scteillll upnroklnifoewranti.oTnhius ss,tiilnl uthnekpnorewsenn. tTwhuosr,kinwtehaeimpreedsetnotiwnvoersktiwgaeteaitmheedmteochinavneissmtigbaytewthheicmh eacrhgaennitsamtinbBy mwhedicihateasrginehnitbatitinionBomf teudmiaotersceilnlshipbriotiloifneroatfiotun.mWore caelsllos apimroeldifetroateivoanl.uWatee thalesoeffaeicmt eodf atrogeenvtaaltuinatBe itnheheeafflethcty omf iacerg, eanntdatoinn aBhiunmhaenalxthenyomgriacfet, manoddeol,nuasinhgumthaenPxCe-n3oagnrdafHt CmTo-d1e5lc, eullsilningesth. e PC-3 and HCT-15 cell lines

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