
THE widespread use of arteriography in all areas of surgery has led us to evaluate the usefulness of this technique in relation to orthopedic problems. We have reviewed our own experience in a series of 40 examinations and the experience of others as detailed in the roentgenographic and orthopedic literature. Our findings in general agree with those of others. Technique Contrast material must be injected close to the area of interest so as to deliver it in a concentrated form. Since the great majority of orthopedic lesions suitable for arteriographic study are in an extremity, percutaneous puncture of a readily accessible vessel can be made with an 18- or 15-gauge cardiovascular needle. For examination of the upper arm, the axillary or subclavian arteries are cannulated. The distal forearm and hand are best studied by injection into the brachial artery at the elbow, while the vessels of the thigh and upper

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