
An area-universal VLSI circuit can be programmed to emulate every circuit of a given area, but at the cost of lower area-time performance. In particular, if a circuit with area-time bounds ( A , T ) is emulated by a universal circuit with bounds ( A u , T u ) , we say that the universal circuit has blowup A u / A and slowdown T u / T . A central question in VLSI theory is to investigate the inherent costs and tradeoffs of universal circuit designs. Prior to this work, universal designs were known for area- A circuits with O ( 1 ) blowup and O ( log A ) slowdown. Universal designs for the family of area- A circuits containing O ( A 1 + ϵ log A ) vertices, with O ( A ϵ ) blowup and O ( log log A ) slowdown had also been developed. However, the existence of universal circuits with O ( 1 ) slowdown and relatively small blowup was an open question. In this paper, we settle this question by designing an area-universal circuit U A ϵ with O ( 1 / ϵ ) slowdown and O ( A ϵ ) blowup, for any value of the parameter ϵ , with 4 log log A / log A ≤ ϵ ≤ 1 . By varying ϵ , we obtain universal circuits which operate at different points in the spectrum of the slowdown-blowup tradeoff. In particular, when ϵ is chosen to be a constant, our universal circuit yields O ( 1 ) slowdown.

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