
The area postrema (AP) is a circumventricular organ located in the dorsal midline of the medulla. It functions as a chemosensor for blood-borne peptides and solutes, and converts this information into neural signals that are transmitted to the nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS) and parabrachial nucleus (PB). One of its NTS targets in the rat is the aldosterone-sensitive neurons which contain the enzyme 11 β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2 (HSD2). The HSD2 neurons are part of a central network involved in sodium appetite regulation, and they innervate numerous brain sites including the pre-locus coeruleus (pre-LC) and PB external lateral-inner (PBel-inner) cell groups of the dorsolateral pons. Both pontine cell groups express the transcription factor FoxP2 and become c-Fos activated following sodium depletion. Because the AP is a component in this network, we wanted to determine whether it also projects to the same sites as the HSD2 neurons. By using a combination of anterograde axonal and retrograde cell body tract-tracing techniques in individual rats, we show that the AP projects to FoxP2 immunoreactive neurons in the pre-LC and PBel-inner. Thus, the AP sends a direct projection to both the first-order medullary (HSD2 neurons of the NTS) and the second-order dorsolateral pontine neurons (pre-LC and PB-el inner neurons). All three sites transmit information related to systemic sodium depletion to forebrain sites and are part of the central neural circuitry that regulates the complex behavior of sodium appetite.

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