
Football has become the most popular spectator sport in the United States today and attracts millions of players, both professional and amateur. This article discusses the risks of playing football. It is a contact sport and can result in a wide variety of injuries to the players. The rules of the game are based on adult participation; however, 2.8 million children participate in recreational tackle football every year. An understanding of the game and the risks associated with playing football is presented. The risks of the game are discussed with a focus on the prevention of injury. The most common injuries are presented, which include concussion and the major risk of traumatic brain injury. The importance of wearing appropriate protective gear and developing strategies to avoid head and neck injuries is presented. The role of parents and coaches is described, with tips on how to identify injuries and how to prevent them to guarantee the safety of players. Finally, the role of the nurse and other health care providers is discussed. This article presents an overview of the complexity of tackle football and strategies to keep the players safe.

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