
One of the central goals of ecology is to determine the mechanisms that enable coexistence among species. Evidence is accruing that conspecific negative density dependence (CNDD), the process by which plant seedlings are unable to survive in the area surrounding adults of their same species, is a major contributor to tree species coexistence. However, for CNDD to maintain community-level diversity, three conditions must be met. First, CNDD must maintain diversity for the majority of the woody plant community (rather than merely specific groups). Second, the pattern of repelled recruitment must increase in with plant size. Third, CNDD should extend to the majority of plant life history strategies. These three conditions are rarely tested simultaneously. In this study, we simultaneously test all three conditions in a woody plant community in a North American temperate forest. We examined whether understory and canopy woody species across height categories and dispersal syndromes were overdispersed-a spatial pattern indicative of CNDD-using spatial point pattern analysis across life history stages and strategies. We found that there was a strong signal of overdispersal at the community level. Across the whole community, larger individuals were more overdispersed than smaller individuals. The overdispersion of large individuals, however, was driven by canopy trees. By contrast, understory woody species were not overdispersed as adults. This finding indicates that the focus on trees for the vast majority of CNDD studies may have biased the perception of the prevalence of CNDD as a dominant mechanism that maintains community-level diversity when, according to our data, CNDD may be restricted largely to trees.


  • Conspecific negative density dependence (CNDD) is one of the most empirically supported mechanisms for the maintenance of plant species diversity [1,2,3,4]

  • If CNDD is the primary mechanism that maintains community level diversity, we would expect it to operate across life history stage and life history strategy. We addressed these three core conditions for CNDD to be a general mechanism for the maintenance of plant species diversity by evaluating the spatial patterns of a woody plant community across life history strategies and ontogenetic stages in the field in a temperate forest in western Pennsylvania, USA

  • The differences in overdispersion between canopy and understory plants become more pronounced with plant life history stage

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Conspecific negative density dependence (CNDD) is one of the most empirically supported mechanisms for the maintenance of plant species diversity [1,2,3,4]. Conspecific negative density dependence occurs when small individuals have relatively low rates of growth and survival near adult members of their own species (conspecifics).

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