
Age at maturity is one of the key variables determining the maximum rate of population growth and so may be a good indicator of stock recovery potential. Spawner age composition may also affect the probability of high recruitment and so could be relevant to stock recovery. This study examined the relation between early survival, age at maturity, and the demographic composition of spawners in many cod and haddock stocks. Reported measures of fecundity and maturity were used to estimate total egg production for comparison with numbers at age 1 and age at 50% maturity. The instantaneous rate of population growth (r) was estimated for cohorts from life history tables during periods when spawning biomass was depleted (e.g. <Bpa) using reproductive and mortality data for stocks. Age-specific survival was found to be far more important than reproductive rate in determining population growth rate. Stocks that experienced low and more variable survival matured early and had a high relative fecundity. Hence, while early maturing stocks have the potential for high population growth following favourable recruitment events, they would not be expected to recover any faster than late maturing stocks because of the generally low early survival rate that they experience. Measures of spawner age diversity and mean age were found to be positively correlated with offspring survivorship in a few cod stocks. However, in general, it appears difficult to infer recovery potential from life history characteristics, which may be expected, given that regional variation in reproductive success will ultimately be expected to shape local reproductive schedules.

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