
Physical barriers such as subsurface dams (SSD) and cutoff walls (COW) and hydraulic barriers such as freshwater recharge and saltwater pumping are some of the widely studied control measures to mitigate saltwater intrusion (SWI) in coastal aquifers. Past studies have focused on optimizing the design of these control measures, including installation location, depth, pumping, and injection rates under the specified hydraulic and boundary conditions of the aquifer. On the other hand, sea-level rise (SLR) and freshwater flux reduction (FFR) (caused by groundwater pumping and/or reduced aquifer recharge) alter the hydraulic conditions and can potentially change the optimum design of these control measures as well as their performances. Unlike hydraulic barriers with some potential to adapt to these altered hydraulic conditions (by modifying pumping and injection rates), physical barriers are fixed and not easily modifiable. Hence, the performances of physical barriers are highly subjected to changing climate conditions (SLR and FFR), and systematic vulnerability assessment of physical barriers is lacking. Here, we use a widely studied field-scale problem to assess the vulnerability of SSD and COW under SLR and FFR scenarios using constant flux inland boundary conditions. Our results indicate that SSD and COW are resilient to SLR, with SSD being more effective compared to COW. Furthermore, SSD and COW are highly vulnerable to FFR. While SSD is more effective than COW under small declines in FFR, COW outperforms SSD under large FFR. Using sensitivity simulations, we show that our results are valid across a range of aquifer and barrier parameters. These results add insights to the design of physical barriers, taking into account future climatic conditions. Also, our analysis aids in selecting appropriate mitigation measures to address the changing climatic conditions.

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