
We conducted this study among 100 nurses who were working in the maternity ward of Hosahalli referral Hospital, and Sagar hospital in Bangalore, India, by using non-probability purposive sampling technique. The data was collected by using self-administered questionnaire. The study revealed that there is a significant relationship between knowledge level of respondents and their experience in the procedure of oxytocin induction as evidenced by P value 0.0422< alpha value 0.05. The test is Statistically Significant at 95% confidence level. Area wise analysis of knowledge score of staff nurses regarding oxytocin induction of labour has made the impression in five areas (1) the knowledge score of the samples about information of induction of labour were 70%. (2) General information about oxytocin induction (64.57%). (3) Information related to indications and contra indications of oxytocin induction (65%). (4) Information about induction of oxytocin (68.53%). (5) Nursing management during oxytocin induction (66.14%). The overall knowledge score of the participants (100 samples) is (65.50%), overall mean (28.82), median (23) SD (20.32) which revealed that only 31% of the participants have adequate knowledge on oxytocin induction during labour. A new protocol was developed for the maternity nurses on the oxytocin induction, based on the statistical findings of self-administered questionnaire for the two hospitals where the study was conducted.

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