
In this paper, following the work of Hohm and Zwiebach [arXiv:1905.06583], we show that in bosonic string theory nonperturbative anti-de Sitter (AdS) vacua could exist with all $\alpha^{\prime}$ corrections included. We also discuss the possibility of the coexistence of nonperturbative dS and AdS vacua.


  • Whether bosonic string theory permits stable de Sitter or anti–de Sitter (AdS) vacua is a long-standing unsolved problem

  • It is well known from the work of Meissner and Veneziano [7] in 1991 that, at the zeroth order of α0, when all fields depend only on time the D 1⁄4 d þ 1-dimensional spacetime action of closed string theory reduces to an Oðd; dÞ-invariant reduced action

  • In the language of low-energy effective theory, the reduced action derived from such solutions possesses an Oðm; mÞ symmetry to all orders in α0. (ii) The m coordinates could be all spacelike or include one timelike coordinate, as explained in Ref. [9]. (iii) In the solution space, inequivalent solutions are connected by nondiagonal OðmÞ ⊗ OðmÞ transformations [Oðm − 1; 1Þ ⊗ O ðm − 1; 1Þ if one of the m coordinates is timelike]. (iv) Other generators of Oðm; mÞ

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Zeroth order of α0

We start with the tree-level closed string spacetime action without α0 corrections, ðA1Þ where gμν is the string metric, φ is the dilaton, and Hijk 1⁄4 3∂1⁄2ibjkŠ is the field strength of the antisymmetric KalbRamond field bij. The ansatz we use is ds2 1⁄4 −a2ðxÞdt þ dx þ a2ðxÞðdy þ dz þ ...Þ; bxμ 1⁄4 0; ðA2Þ. Oðd; dÞ symmetry and not its components, the time-like minus sign G11ðxÞ 1⁄4 −a2ðxÞ does not show up until we calculate the reduced action. In order to obtain the reduced action by using the ansatz (A3), we rotate between the time-like t and the first space-like x directions and rewrite the metric and bμν as. We want to point out the sign differences between our ansatz (A2) and the time-dependent FLRW metric: sign1⁄2RxxŠ 1⁄4 sign1⁄2RttŠ; sign1⁄2RttŠ 1⁄4 −sign1⁄2RxxŠ; sign1⁄2RabŠ 1⁄4 −sign1⁄2RabŠ; ðA13Þ sign1⁄2H2Š 1⁄4 −sign1⁄2H 2Š; sign1⁄2H2μνŠ 1⁄4 −sign1⁄2H 2μνŠ; sign1⁄2ð∂φÞ2Š 1⁄4 −sign1⁄2ð∂φ Þ2Š; ðA14Þ where Arepresents the quantities calculated in the timedependent FLRW background. This is the space-dependent duality corresponding to the scale-factor duality in the time-dependent FLRW background

First-order correction of α0
Higher-order corrections of α0
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