
Among Mediterranean trees, “ Juniperus turbinata” remains a little-known taxon. Described in 1844 (J. turbinata Guss.) it was ignored in many floras and checklists until very recently despite the fact that since the 1980s morphology and phytochemistry studies have confirmed its taxonomic individuality. The conclusions of recent molecular studies also point in this direction. The present work specifies its chorology by country or geographical sectors, allowing an updated world distribution map. Another map illustrates the distribution of the other two taxa in this group (“ J. phoenicea” and “ J. canariensis”). Aspects concerning karyology, reproductive biology and biological interactions are discussed, as well as its ecology : we thus present a summary table of the main phytosociological groups up to the level of alliance in which this taxon is characteristic or in which it just fits. Another focus concerns threats and conservation. Finally, a discussion on the complex taxonomy of red junipers (J. phoenicea sensu lato) allows us to justify our taxonomic treatment for the taxa of this group. Three subspecies (subsp.) are recognized here, a new nomenclatural combination is proposed and an identification key of infraspecific taxa is provided. Thus, Juniperus phoenicea L. subsp. turbinata (Guss.) Nyman should be considered as a remarkable circum-Mediterranean taxon often endangered or declining in its range which stretches along the Mediterranean coast from southern Portugal and Morocco to the eastern Mediterranean (large islands included), including the high continental mountains of North Africa, then ending to Middle-East in Saudi Arabia. Various pictures illustrate this juniper in different landscapes, ecological and geographical situations.

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