
Biomechanical assessments of running typically take place inside motion capture laboratories. However, it is unclear whether data from these in-lab gait assessments are representative of gait during real-world running. This study sought to test how well real-world gait patterns are represented by in-lab gait data in two cohorts of runners equipped with consumer-grade wearable sensors measuring speed, step length, vertical oscillation, stance time, and leg stiffness. Cohort 1 (N = 49) completed an in-lab treadmill run plus five real-world runs of self-selected distances on self-selected courses. Cohort 2 (N = 19) completed a 2.4 km outdoor run on a known course plus five real-world runs of self-selected distances on self-selected courses. The degree to which in-lab gait reflected real-world gait was quantified using univariate overlap and multivariate depth overlap statistics, both for all real-world running and for real-world running on flat, straight segments only. When comparing in-lab and real-world data from the same subject, univariate overlap ranged from 65.7% (leg stiffness) to 95.2% (speed). When considering all gait metrics together, only 32.5% of real-world data were well-represented by in-lab data from the same subject. Pooling in-lab gait data across multiple subjects led to greater distributional overlap between in-lab and real-world data (depth overlap 89.3-90.3%) due to the broader variability in gait seen across (as opposed to within) subjects. Stratifying real-world running to only include flat, straight segments did not meaningfully increase the overlap between in-lab and real-world running (changes of <1%). Individual gait patterns during real-world running, as characterized by consumer-grade wearable sensors, are not well-represented by the same runner's in-lab data. Researchers and clinicians should consider "borrowing" information from a pool of many runners to predict individual gait behavior when using biomechanical data to make clinical or sports performance decisions.

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