
The metazoan parasite communities of eels Anguilla anguilla were investigated in three riverine localities and one lake in Devon. Altogether 21 species of parasite, the majority of the British eel parasite fauna, were recorded. Parasite communities in the three riverine localities were more similar to each other than to that of the lake. The four parasite component communities were typical and representative of those from eels in other parts of the U.K. They were characterized by low species diversity and domination by a single species: Pseudodacytlogyrus anguillae in the rivers and Diplostomum spathaceum in the lake. Both the dominant species and the majority of parasite species, and hence individuals, in any locality infected eels directly by free swimming planktonic larval stages or indirectly by the ingestion of infected planktonic copepod intermediate hosts. Examination of other species of fish in each locality showed that only Raphidascaris acus utilized a fish species as an intermediate or paratenic host to infect eels. Increases in prevalence and intensity of infection with size of eel by helminths such as Camallanus lacustris and Paraquimperia tenerrima were observed in localities in which transmission of these parasites could not have involved another fish species. Over 63% of the specialist, specific parasites of eels throughout Europe employ planktonic transmission to their hosts, as do several species of the commoner generalists. A study of eel parasite communities thus leads to the conclusion that eels are widely and closely associated in their habits with plankton and that eels of all sizes feed regularly upon planktonic copepods: the widely accepted view of eels as being more or less exclusively benthic in habit and feeding behaviour requires re‐appraisal.

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