
Abstract Barred Owls (Strix varia) have expanded their range into the Pacific Northwest, and anecdotal evidence suggests that they may be displacing the federally threatened Northern Spotted Owl (Strix occidentalis caurina). Our objectives were to describe the current status of Barred Owls in Oregon and compare occupancy of Spotted Owls in historic Spotted Owl territories before and after Barred Owls were first detected in those territories. Between 1974 and 1998, we estimated that 706 different Barred Owl territories were located in Oregon. From 1989–1998 an average of 60 new Barred Owl territories were located in Oregon each year. In Spotted Owl demographic study areas in Oregon and Washington, Barred Owl detections increased at Spotted Owl territories from 1987–1999. Occupancy of Spotted Owl territories declined after Barred Owls were detected within 0.80 km of the territory center. When Barred Owls were detected 0.81–2.40 km from Spotted Owl territory centers, occupancy of Spotted Owls was only margin...

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