
The integration of key components in a voice-controlled wheelchair designed for individuals with physical disabilities. It highlights the use of Arduino microcontrollers to interpret voice commands, translating them into signals for motorized movement. A Bluetooth module facilitates communication between the device issuing commands and the Arduino. The main focus is on achieving a 180-degree rotation of the wheelchair, which necessitates configuring the Arduino to control both front and back wheels for directional movement and speed. Motorized motion is enabled through a system of chain and sprockets with cycle tires, ensuring smooth and stable traversal across different surfaces. This abstract encapsulates the essential elements of the wheelchair's design and functionality, emphasizing its ability to empower users through intuitive control and reliable mobility assistance. The integration of a Bluetooth module facilitates seamless communication between the controlling device and the wheelchair. Key emphasis is placed on the wheelchair's ability to execute a 180-degree rotation, necessitating precise configuration of the Arduino to manage both front and back wheels for directional control and speed modulation. The inclusion of a chain and sprockets system, coupled with cycle tires, ensures smooth and stable mobility across diverse terrains, ultimately enhancing the user's independence and quality of life.

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