
“Arduino Based Auto Frisking” is to ensure a contactless human body temperature measurement along with detecting metals. In this project along with detection, an alert is also sent to higher authorities to take appropriate actions.This project will be introducing the automatic sanitisation sytstem, temperature monitoring system and metal detecting system how they can be useful in covid-19 situation. It will give a brief idea of the components used along with its technical specifications.Moving forward, Temperature monitoring system is used to detect the body temperature of a person and Metal detecting system is used to avoid an illegal and unauthorized entry of metals,bombs,into the public primises.This project will show a block diagram where all the input-output components are shown. And it will be followed by a flowchart which will give a clear idea of how the system will work, hardware design and implementation of the proposed system. Keywords: Temperature monitoring system, Metal detecting system, Automatic sanitization system, ARDUINO, Walk through device.

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