
AbstractThe RADARSAT geophysical processor system (RGPS) uses sequential synthetic aperture radar images of Arctic sea ice taken every 3 days to track a large set of Lagrangian points over the winter and spring seasons. The points are the vertices of cells, which are initially square and 10 km on a side, and the changes in the area of these cells due to opening and closing of the ice are used to estimate the fractional area of a set of first-year ice categories. The thickness of each category is estimated by the RGPS from an empirical relationship between ice thickness and the freezing degree-days since the formation of the ice. With a parameterization of the albedo based on the ice thickness, the albedo may be estimated from the first-year ice distribution. We compute the albedo for the first spring processed by the RGPS, the early spring of 1997. The data include most of the Beaufort and Chukchi Seas. We find that the mean albedo is 0.79 with a standard deviation of 0.04, with lower albedo values near the edge of the perennial ice zone. The biggest source of error is likely the assumed rate of snow accumulation on new ice.

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