
Tundra vegetation was analyzed on the basis of 64 sampled and 12 described stands representing a wide variety of plant community types immediately east of the Mackenzie Delta, Northwest Territories. Five main types (Tall Shrub – Herb, Medium Shrub (alder), Low Shrub – Heath, Herb – Low Shrub – Heath, and Herb) and 11 subgroups were distinguished and classified on the basis of floristic similarity using a two-dimensional ordination and by physiognomy. A total of 70 species were sampled or observed in the stands. Floristically, the Sedge–Cottongrass–Heath type was the most diverse and the Wet-Sedge Polygon – Herb type, the least diverse. The areal extent of each major community type was determined using aerial photography for Richards Island, Caribou Hills, Eskimo Lakes, Tuktoyaktuk, and Atkinson Point study areas.

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