
The Arctic Ocean is a unique environment in the number of physical mechanisms that may be potentially exploited with much simpler acoustic systems than would be required in other oceans. The Arctic sound speed profile forms a surface duct with favorable cylindrical-spreading for near-continuous detection of marine mammal vocalizations. This ducted waveguide exhibit low seasonal variability, particularly under the ice cap, forcing under-ice sound to heavily interact with this rough elastic stratified boundary. The ice roughness introduces steeper slopes that enhance water-to-ice sound penetration [Arvelo, POMA 2012]. The ice elasticity is responsible for the excitation of a radially polarized longitudinal wave and a transverse-horizontal shear wave with group velocities around 2700-3000 m/s and 1550-1650 m/s, respectively. A third dispersive flexural vertical plate wave propagates at much slower speeds (<1200 m/s) at low frequencies [Stein, Euerle & Parinella, JGR 1998]. Vocalization distance may be estimated from the time delays between the three wave types via blind deconvolution, while an arctangent bearing-estimator may increase the azimuthal localization resolution for high SNR vocalizations [Maranda, Oceans 2003]. Therefore, the unique Arctic environment is well suited for passive marine mammal monitoring and tracking with just a single ice-embedded geophone or under-ice vector sensor.

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