
Biosecurity measures in beekeeping (BMBs) include measures taken to prevent the spread of diseases by minimizing the movement of microorganisms and pests in the apiary, preventing diseases and pests in the environment from reaching the apiary or reducing their effects. Biosafety principles aim to prevent infectious factors from entering the apiaries and spreading by humans, bees, feed, and technological systems in order to prevent them from adversely affecting bee health or honey quality. Good beekeeping practices (GBP) prevent or minimize the entry of important bee diseases and pests into the apiary and the spread between colonies and apiaries. Prevents negative effects on bee health, honey safety, honey quality, and production efficiency. BMBs can be effective if GBPs are implemented. In this study, it is aimed to provide information about bee health, protection from bee diseases, preventing the spread of diseases and pests among other colonies and apiaries in the same apiary, biosecurity and good beekeeping practices necessary to obtain quality and reliable bee products.

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