
AbstractShelf ridges are sedimentary bodies formed on the continental shelf due to transgressive reworking (tidal or storm) of lowstand deposits. Common on modern shelves, they are under‐represented in the geological record due to a lack of recognition criteria and facies model. This article proposes a new facies and architectural model for shelf ridges, linked to their inception–evolution–abandonment cycle and the process regime of the basin. The model is mainly based on new outcrop data and interpretations from three sandstone bodies of the Almond Formation, an overall transgressive interval during the infill of the Campanian Western Interior Seaway. Building from the case study, and ancient and modern examples, six characteristics are proposed for the recognition of ancient shelf ridges. Shelf ridges: (i) are encased between thick marine mudstone intervals; (ii) have a basal unconformity that erodes into marine muds or into the remnants of a previous shoreline; (iii) have a non‐erosional upper boundary that transitions into marine muds; (iv) are characterized by clean and well‐sorted sandstones, often cross‐bedded; (v) contain fully marine ichnofauna; and (vi) present compound architectures with large accretion surfaces and lower order structures. Although shelf ridges have been described in previous studies as generated exclusively by either tidal or storm currents, it is clear, from modern examples and the case study, that these two processes can be recorded and preserved in a single shelf ridge. The stratigraphy of these sandstone bodies is therefore much more complex than previously recognized, bearing the signature of changing tidal and storm intensity through time. Because they are developed during transgressions, shelf ridges are commonly subject to strong changes in process regime as sea‐level changes can easily affect the oceanographic conditions and the morphology of the basin. For this reason, shelf ridges can provide the best record of shelf process variability during transgressions.

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