
Abstract: This technical article provides an in-depth exploration of three prominent architectural patterns in Android development: Model-View-Presenter (MVP), Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM), and the more recent Model-View-Intent (MVI). By dissecting the core components, advantages, and trade-offs of each pattern through the lens of a hypothetical "Jetpack Composer" app, the article aims to provide developers with a comprehensive understanding of their suitability for different application scenarios. The MVP pattern separates the application's data layer from the UI, promoting maintainability and testability. The MVVM pattern, tailored for frameworks supporting two-way data binding, facilitates cleaner UI code and simplifies unit testing. The MVI pattern, well-suited for reactive programming environments, enforces a unidirectional data flow, aiding in predictable state management while introducing additional complexity. Through comparative analysis and examination of real-world examples, this article equips developers with the knowledge and insights necessary to navigate the architectural landscape of Android development, enabling informed decisions that align with project requirements and development philosophies, ultimately leading to more maintainable, scalable, and robust Android applications.

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