
The paper identified the main aspects of the natural lighting of interior spaces of residential and public buildings, affecting the light forms of education, the quality of light, visual comfort, visual discomfort, uneven illumination, and so on. The quality of architecture as a visual art is mainly evaluated because of visual impressionsthat are possible only in the presence of light. The modern period of development of society is characterized by objective civilized processes of global urbanization, as a result of which architecture itself becomes a cause of a disturbance in the state of balance of the environment for human life and the cause of the ecological crisis. It is known that under the influence of such anthropogenic factors as a decrease in the transparency of the atmosphere due to the growth of cities and industry, insolation resources are changing in residential areas. In the framework of the concept of an urban-ecological approach in the formation of the human environment, the problems of creating a comfortable bioclimatic architecture or ecological buildings that allow the multilateral use of the energy of the Sun are highlighted.Among the factors determining the quality of the environment, an important place is occupied by the natural light environment, which largely depends on the nature of the light climate. Sunlight has a comprehensive impact on all major categories of architecture, including light comfort, durability, expressiveness, and economy. The appropriate level and quality of lighting in rooms and urban areas is an important prerequisite for creating light comfortable living conditions for a person, contributes to his creative activity, increase labor productivity and improve leisure conditions. The parameters of the light environment are one of the main elements that form the microclimate of the premises.In many developed countries, in connection with the expansion of megacities, the issue of not only functional, but also visual aesthetic comfort of the environment is becoming relevant. Creating a light environment that meets the practical, psychological andaesthetic requirements of the people who live in it is one of the most important tasks of an architect. Knowledge of the basic compositional properties of lighting, the ways of its rational use in architecture, and the possession of methodological skillsin architectural design contribute to the successful solution of this problem. Lighting conditions determine the correct perception of the compositional rhythm, the proportions and depth of the premises, plastics and color finishes of the surface.The concept of a light environment includes the integral coordination of the components of natural and artificial lighting, considered in unity and interaction. The progressive reception of integrated (combined) lighting is dictated by social need and is reflected in improving the quality of lighting and in saving resources for the design and construction of buildings and structures.Modern advances in the field of fundamental and natural sciences allow us to improve the methods and means of research and forecasting in the knowledge of the complex interaction of man and the environment. The main task is to optimize the light environment in architecture with the rational use of energy and natural resources.The analysis of scientific works and design practice of architectural firms of Ukraine allowed us to identify a number of unresolved issues (in the aspect of accounting and solving the problem of the comfort of the lighting environment in architecture): 1) black-and-white shaping as a specific tool for architectural composition to achieve plastic expressiveness and as a tool for the architect’s creativity; 2) in the process of developing the facades of buildings for various purposes, the relation to the functional and formative function of light is traced; 3) theeffect of sunlight on interior spaces; 4) the effect of sunlight on residents in high-rise residential buildings. The problem of creating a comfortable lighting environment in European architecture has not been comprehensively considered to date, which served as the basis for analysis and discussion in this work.The comfort of the light environment is lighting, it is the light formation of the interior spaces of architectural objects. The comfort of the lighting environment can satisfy people in the interior according to many requirements, divided into qualitative and quantitative categories.Quantitative categories are determined by the level of necessary illumination. Qualitative categories are determined by the spectral composition of light and its distribution in space.

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