
With the continuous optimization of the living environment, people’s requirements for its comfort and cultural taste are also constantly improving, and their understanding and requirements for the appearance and style of the building and the layout of the building space have been further deepened, thus forming a situation of diversification and diversification of the style and form of the architectural appearance and interior design. There are a lot of layout problems in modern engineering and real life, and the indoor space layout is a very important branch. The indoor space layout focuses on the indoor scenes that people rely on for production and life. At the same time, indoor scene models are gradually applied to more and more fields. The urgent need for indoor scene modeling has also led to relevant research on indoor space layout. Because of its wide application prospects and great commercial value, indoor space layout has become an important research topic in the field of computer graphics and computer vision. As the computer-aided design is widely used in the field of intelligent design, indoor space layout has also become an important research field. Focusing on the automatic design and optimization of indoor space layout, this paper proposes an optimization method based on design constraints for the automatic generation of a layout plan based on the given layout boundary or layout space. The room units in the interior space layout are represented by polygons composed of multiple rectangles, and the constraints and rules in the layout design are transformed into constraints on related rectangles. Experimental results show that our scene redirection method is effective. Comparing with the results of uniform scaling further proves the effectiveness of our redirection algorithm.

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