
Architectural heritage holds a variety of values towards the community and helps to enhance the image of a city. Currently, heritage sites all over the world are facing intense pressure from modernisation. This paper attempts to explore the relationship between the values of the architectural heritage of Kampung Morten, Melaka to its ‘sense of place’ amongst the community. To achieve this aim, the authors examine the occurrence of ‘a sense of place’, identify the architectural heritage values and analyse the challenges set by the surrounding modernisation. Methods of observation and interview were utilised in this study involving the heritage village of Kampung Morten in Melaka and its community. The findings from this study would highlight Kampung Morten’s community level of attachment to their heritage village as they reflect their experience involving the ‘sense of place’. In developing more sustainable urbanisation for Kampung Morten, this study also explores the community’s level of awareness regarding the risk of modernisation.

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