
The first years after the Second World War are characterized by the reconstruction of the cities of the Moldovan Soviet Socialist Republic (MSSR). The development of post-war architecture was dependent on political authorities. The regulations in the field led to special urban transformations. The Soviet urban image is a recognizable one, especially in the development of the main arteries, defined by spatial and volumetric greatness. Another impressive thing is the architecture of Stephen the Great boulevard, whose aesthetics promotes Soviet ideology. It had particular regulations regarding the alignment of the buildings, their height, their proportions, the aesthetics of the facades facing the boulevard, the relationship with the neighboring buildings and others, forming a coherent configuration. The established rules ordered the street front; the buildings often formed “parade courts”, increasing the visibility of the massive facades, called “parade facades”, which became recognizable by decorative exuberance. This article aims at observing the development of the constructions on a certain segment of the main artery of the capital of MSSR - one of the priority preoccupations of the authorities in the given period.


  • Another impressive thing is the architecture of Stephen the Great boulevard, whose aesthetics promotes Soviet ideology

  • It had particular regulations regarding the alignment of the buildings, their height, their proportions, the aesthetics of the facades facing the boulevard, the relationship with the neighboring buildings and others, forming a coherent configuration

  • Clădirea Ministerului Industriei Ușoare era proiectată cu patru niveluri, cu partea centrală puţin mai înaltă, datorită sălii de ședințe situate la etajul al treilea, a cărei înălțime este de 5 m

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Dinspre bulevardul Lenin, clădirea sus-menţionată are cinci niveluri (Fig. 2), iar din partea străzii Komsomolskaia (Fig. 3) şi 28 Iunie (Fig. 4), aripile sunt cu patru niveluri. Conform desenelor tehnice din anul 1952, la realizarea proiectului şi-au adus contribuţia inginerul principal al institutului Malerman, conducătorul atelierului de proiectare R. Clădirea cu 32 de apartamente a fost proiectată din secțiunile rezidențiale ale clădirii cu 120 de apartamente, în conformitate cu Ordinul nr. Persoanele care au contribuit la proiectarea clădirii centrale sunt: conducătorul atelierului de proiectare – R.

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