
Over the past decades, due to the course towards digitalization of all areas of life, interest in modeling and creating intelligent systems has increased significantly. However, there are now a stagnation in the industry, a lack of attention to analog and bionic approaches as alternatives to digital, numerous speculations on “neuro” issues for commercial and other purposes, and an increase in social and environmental risks. The article provides an overview of the development of artificial intelligence (AI) conceptions toward increasing the human likeness of machines: from the key ideas of A. Turing and J. von Neumann, who initiated the digitalization of society, to discussions about the definition of AI and the emergence of conceptions of strong and weak AI. Special attention is paid to the approach of A. Sloman, to ideas about the architecture and design of complex artificial systems are considered, which make it possible to “emotionally” expand the idea of weak/strong AI. In the article's section on the necessity and possibility of incorporating emotions into the architecture of AI, the authors reveal the goals and methodological limitations for creating an emotional artificial agent. In addition, the article briefly presents the main principles of the authors' architectural approach to the creation of emotional intellectual systems on the example of the cognitive-affective model of architecture, which allow modeling the impact of emotions on the cognitive processes involved in decision-making processes. The described architectural approach to modeling intelligent systems can be used as a conceptual basis for discussing and formulating a strategy for the development of neurocomputing, philosophy of artificial intelligence, and experimental philosophy, for developing innovative research programs, formulating and solving theoretical and methodological problems.

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