
This paper describes how the United States can develop, deploy, and operate an integrated, commercial-based, space logistics infrastructure to undertake its transition into a true spacefaring nation. The paper first addresses historical examples and the benefits arising from building new logistics infrastructure. It relates this experience to the advantages that building an integrated space logistics infrastructure would have on human space operations and the growth of other Government and commercial space enterprises. The paper continues with a description of an example space logistics architecture and its logistics functions that would provide basic spacefaring capabilities. The paper then describes example systems, comprising this architecture, which would provide safe and routine access to and from space for passengers and cargo, mobility within the Earth-Moon system for passengers and cargo, and in-space logistical facilities and services. Special attention is given to achieving near-term reusable space access. The paper concludes with a discussion of how the commercial space logistics services and suppliers could be established and organized through a n ew federal space logistics corporation that would contract for commercial logistical services for Government space operations while also supporting commercial space operations.

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