
The materials of the first stage that belong to the VI millennium BC (CalBC) are featured by pure layers and pinched pottery. These features were revealed in the materials of Monastyrskaya site in Pribityuzhie, in the lower layer of Cherkasskaya site (archeological excavations of 1979-1981) as well as in Inyasevskaya, Shapkinskaya 6, Plautinskaya 2 - in Pohoperie. On the Upper Don territory similar complexes are only revealed in the lower layers of Yarlukovskaya Protoka settlement, Dobroе 4 and Universitetskaya 3 sites. The second stage is dated by the end of VI - the first half of V millennium BC. It has much more materials. They were revealed both on the Voronezh River and Don. This stage is featured by pinches on the pottery as well as ornaments in the shape of small thin comb. These ornaments were brought to the Don forest-steppe by the population of the early Eneolithic from the Mariupol cultural and historical area. At the beginning of the third stage (second half of V millennium BC) the population of Srednedonskaya culture initiated more active communication with entrants from the Neolithic population which had comb-dimpled pottery as well as with people of Eneolithic Srednestogovskaya culture.

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